One-to-one Stained Glass Class with Gus 👌🏼
Today Gus came to try his hand at doing some Stained Glass One of those rainy days when you are super glad you had something nice to do...
Six of the best !!!
What better way to spend a rainy Sunday Here's our day ... Deep in concentration 😊 Fabulous results lotsa tea coffee and calories...
Stained Glass Foiling Classes 🤗
Foiling is a great method for you all to have a go at, you can make some lovely decorative pieces and this is how some of the more...
Almost Spring.. a class catch up 🌷
In this month came the launch of this great new website.. And here are some great pics of classes with some wonderful people in all...
Mosaic Your Own Pendant - New for 2018
NEW FOR 2018! Mosaic your own fabulous pendant and take it home in one afternoon. Ooooh this is going to be such fun! Bring along family mem