A Beautiful Heart… ‘A chip off the old glass’
All three of our children have been brought up learning from a very young age how to dodge the trail of glass splinters that I as their...

My fine art student … Sarah…
Sarah came with her wonderful design She is a third year student studying Fine Art at Chelsea School of Art. She was very excited at the...

Mind Body & Soul Experience.. We loved it !!
The ‘Mind Body & Soul Experience’ at Alexandra Palace .. what a great weekend… ! Setting out & Setting up I had the best helper and...

Only One Week To Go !! Mind Body & Soul Experience…
Only one more week to go until I am at the MIND BODY & SOUL EXPERIENCE at Alexandra Palace Friday 23rd-Saturday 24th & Sunday 25th...

Butterfly Remembrance Windows…
I was asked to design a hallway window for a very sweet gentleman in memory of his beautiful daughter.. I was honoured and touched…...