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Ian & Leena .. Bob & Lauren .. My Dynamic Foursome

Husband and wife Ian & Leena, father and daughter Bob & Lauren came for a beginners one day course..

I’m suprised we got so much done , what with all the chatting and four thousand cups of tea…

Here’s how they got on

Firstly they practiced with clear float glass, none of them had ever cut glass before which is usual for most people who attend.

Then onto the serious glass… this is a nice part where you get to choose your favourite colour combinations

Moving on swiftly.. people who attend say it’s quite a tiring day as much concentration is needed.. but we have a great time with lots of liquid refreshments, and an hour long lunch break to recharge your batteries..

Voila…. every one’s a winner.. looking absolutely great!!

Another lovely day with plenty of smiles…

Cheryl Powling Stained Glass Classes London

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